Welcome to Community

Welcome to Community

The Community hub inside ALARY's support system is place to share ideas, and improve the technical abilities of our clients.

This is a private discussion page for ALARY Technologies clients only, however there are some guidelines we would like everybody to adhere to, they are:

• Do not post any private information about yourself or your business.
• Do not share critical information like usernames, passwords, etc.
• This is not a forum to complain about ALARY Technologies, Please email ahmed@alarytech.ca if you have a concern.

You may post 4 types of content within your community. These are Ideas, Questions, Problems and Discussions. Each of these serves a particular purpose.

You may ask you specific questions about your business, within your community hub. We will answer these questions right there however there is no commitment of a time frame for a response.


Ahmed Kufaishi